Safer Internet Day – Who Would Try and Profile Interpreters?


Vorsicht beim Surfen!
Sicherheit im Internet – Vorsicht ist angebracht.

Yesterday internet safety was the talk of the global town – when I read the articles on this topic, I started refecting on how difficult it would be for a hacker to profile me or i (or one of my fellow interpreters). I take it he or she would give up sooner or later: may it suffice to remind the reader of my most recent internet-surfing-experiences.

A host of topics

There is a lot on offer: mechanical engineering, Web site design, HTML-coding, foodstuff, stabilizers and emulgators, automotive, angiology, fashion, retail business, HR, politics…by the way, this is just what was on the agenda in the period between early January and February 6, 2013. Add to that private research for family members and friends as well as my own preferences, and you get a truly multicoloured picture!

Just in case I empty my cache and reset my Safari browser every single day. I do not visit sites I consider even remotely suspicious. I disclose my data on the internet as rarely as possible, and only on sites I know and trust.

Whenever children are involved, one should of course be extra careful!

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